Nursing Home Neglect Attorney serving Chicago and Surrounding Areas

Placing a loved one in a nursing home is often a heart wrenching and difficult decision for a family. No one can take care of your loved one like you would take care of them. However, in many circumstances, it is impossible for a family member to care of loved ones themselves, so a family must make the best decision they can in selecting a nursing home for their relative. Unfortunately, many nursing homes are understaffed and employees are over worked. Regardless of each nurse’s doctor’s or aid’s good intentions, mistakes are made and negligence occurs affecting the welfare of your family member.

Families place loved ones in nursing homes with the expectation that these facilities will provide quality care and their family members will be in good hands. Unfortunately it is not uncommon for elderly individuals placed in the care of a nursing home facility to sustain injuries due to the negligence of the facility.

If you have had to make the difficult decision of placing a loved one in a nursing home, you are not alone. With over 17,000 nursing home nationwide housing almost 2 million residents, many other families are faced with this same decision. The fact is over 30% of these nursing home facilities have been cited for some form of neglect or abuse. Mary Ann Covone, Attorney at Law, feels this is unacceptable, and she is here to help.


What to Watch for when a Loved One is in a nursing home:

  • Bed sores
  • Poorly staffed facility
  • Persistent bad odor
  • Hypothermia
  • Left over prescription medication
  • Unexplained bruises or injuries
  • Heavy sedation in place of patient supervision
  • Change in your loved one’s behavior

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Contact a Nursing Home Neglect Attorney

If you have put your faith in a nursing home facility and feel that your loved one is being abused in any way, please don’t waste any time to call an experienced nursing home neglect lawyer. Mary Ann Covone has worked with many families who have faced similar situations and would like to fight on your behalf. Call her today at (708) 246-911 for a free case evaluation, it may be the best decision you ever made.