According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 15,700 nursing homes in the United States, providing care for 1.4 million residents. While many of these care facilities treat patients with the level of expertise and responsibility that residents both need and deserve, others are neglectful in patient care. Nursing home neglect that leads to patient injury may be cause of a medical malpractice action. If your loved one is residing within a nursing home in Western Spring, LaGrange, LaGrange Park, Westchester, Brookfield, Countryside, or Indian Head Park, Illinois, here are some signs of nursing home neglect to look out for:
Weight Loss
One of the earliest signs of nursing home neglect is patient weight loss. A patient may lose weight because he or she is not receiving the food and nutrition necessary to maintain a healthy weight, is too depressed to eat, or is not receiving medications or medical treatment necessary for good health.
Slip and Fall Accidents
Sometimes, a slip and fall accident is a sign of nursing home neglect; nursing home staff may not provide residents with the assistance that they require when moving from place to place, using the restroom, bathing, etc., leading to an increased risk of a slip and fall injury. In fact, most slip and fall accidents in nursing homes are completely preventable, and can be avoided when nursing home staff is attention to residents’ needs and any property hazards.
Bedsores, also known as pressure ulcers, are injuries to the skin that are caused by prolonged periods of pressure on the affected area. They occur when patients are confined to their beds for a prolonged duration. While some patients may need to remain in bed for health reasons, rotating the patient frequently is essential for bedsore prevention. The complications of bedsores are serious. Bedsore can quickly develop, and can be severe enough to lead to sepsis and infections, and are also extremely painful. If a nursing home resident has developed bedsores, it may be because they are not being properly cared for, or are being neglected.
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Poor Personal Hygiene
Many nursing home residents are unable to bathe themselves for physical or psychological reasons. It is therefore the responsibility of nursing home staff to assist in patient bathing, and ensure that patients’ hygiene is maintained. Failing to help patients remain clean is neglectful.
It is not just the physical needs of patients that nursing home staff are responsible for taking care of; nursing home staff members should also provide mental, social, and emotional support to patients, too. If your loved one is suffering from depression or anxiety within the nursing home, nursing home neglect may be present.
A Nursing Home Neglect Attorney Serving You!
Located in Western Springs, experienced Illinois nursing home neglect lawyer Mary Ann Covone Attorney at Law can help you to investigate any suspected nursing home neglect. If neglect is occurring, Mary Ann Covone can help you to report the neglect, and file a claim for damages if necessary. To learn more, call today for a free case consultation at 708-246-4911.