While many people will never file a civil medical malpractice claim in their lifetimes, most know someone who has, or have at least heard one of the many medical malpractice-related myths. For instance, many proponents of tort reform claim most medical malpractice cases are frivolous or filed by those with only minor injuries. However, reality… Read more »
Posts By: Covone Law
Medication Errors and Patient Harm: Reducing Your Chances
While we all accept there is a certain amount of risk that comes with receiving medical care, it is also true that in an alarming number of cases, injuries suffered by patients could have been avoided if a healthcare professional had exercised reasonable care. Medical negligence can take several different forms, including everything from surgical… Read more »
Your Rights as a Survivor and Bringing Wrongful Death Claims
While many people are fortunate enough to escape serious accidents with only minor injuries, many are not so lucky. In especially tragic cases, some may even lose their lives. Besides the emotional and physical toll these untimely losses can take on a victim’s loved ones, these devastating accidents can leave survivors struggling to pay medical… Read more »
Protect Your Loved Ones – Recognizing Signs of Abuse
Although we never want to imagine an elderly loved one is being abused or neglected at a long-term care facility, the reality is this type of unlawful activity occurs at an alarming rate across the country. Fortunately, it is possible to hold nursing home administrators and employees accountable for their failure to provide their residents… Read more »
Slip and Fall Accidents in Nursing Homes
Nursing homes have a legal duty to protect residents from harm. This responsibility includes ensuring residents have proper food, medicine, and housing, as well as making sure their surroundings are safe and they are not put at unnecessary risk of slipping and falling. While many long-term care facilities are careful in training their employees, watching… Read more »
The Dangers of Wrong-Way Accidents
All car accidents can have potentially serious consequences for the parties involved. However, there are certain types of collisions that are notorious for the devastation they cause. Wrong way driving crashes fall under this category. As their name suggests, these accidents occur when one vehicle traveling in the opposite direction of the legal flow of… Read more »
Brain Injuries Leave Invisible Wounds
Often the result of a violent blow or jolt to the head, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are one of the most devastating types of injuries that a person can sustain, as they can have wide ranging physical and psychological effects. Sadly, many of the consequences of brain injuries are not visible and could go undiagnosed… Read more »
What is My Truck Accident Case Worth?
Determining how much a person can recover through negotiation or litigation after sustaining a serious injury in an accident can be difficult, as it requires a thorough assessment of several factors. For help identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your own personal injury claim, please contact one of our experienced truck accident lawyers today. Important… Read more »
If My Accident Was Partially My Fault, Can I Still Receive Compensation?
Accidents are rarely straightforward, so it’s not uncommon for more than one party to be held responsible for causing a single accident. Fortunately, just because an injured party contributed in some minor way to his/her accident, does not mean he/she will be barred from recovery. Instead, it is likely the injured party’s damages award will… Read more »
Establishing a Credible Witness in a Car Accident Claim
Witness credibility plays an important role in many legal matters, but is especially critical in car accident claims, where a witness’s statement can make all the difference in determining who was at fault for a collision. For help determining whether the witnesses to your own accident are credible, please contact an experienced Western Springs auto… Read more »