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Nursing Home Neglect AttorneyAlthough we never want to imagine an elderly loved one is being abused or neglected at a long-term care facility, the reality is this type of unlawful activity occurs at an alarming rate across the country. Fortunately, it is possible to hold nursing home administrators and employees accountable for their failure to provide their residents with proper care.

If you are concerned a loved one is being abused at a nursing home or assisted living facility and have already notified the proper authorities, you should consider speaking with an experienced Westchester nursing home neglect lawyer who can walk you through your legal options.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified five (5) different kinds of conduct that qualify as nursing home abuse, including:

  • Physical abuse, which includes physical violence, such as hitting, slapping, or pushing, as well as the illegal use of restraints;
  • Financial abuse, which includes withdrawing funds from a bank account without permission, using credit cards without authorization, illegally modifying a will, and stealing personal possessions;
  • Sexual abuse, which includes unwanted sexual interactions, such as assault, as well as sexual harassment;
  • Neglect, which occurs when a nursing home fails to provide a resident with adequate food, shelter, clothing, hygiene, or medical care; and
  • Emotional, verbal, or psychological abuse, which includes acts of humiliation, forced isolation, and the destruction of personal property.

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If your loved one has undergone one or more of these kinds of abuse while living at a nursing home, he/she could be entitled to compensation for related losses. Please call our office today to learn more.

Signs of Abuse

Many forms of abuse are obvious and so reveal themselves even when victims are too afraid to disclose it. For instance, unexplained physical injuries such as fractures, dislocations, bruises, and welts, could be a sign a resident is being physically abused, as can evidence of any of the following:

  • Dehydration or malnutrition, which often manifests as unexplained weight loss and excessively dry skin;
  • Untreated bed sores;
  • Inadequate hygiene; and
  • Marks indicating a resident was restrained with straps.

Besides evidence of physical abuse, individuals whose elderly relatives reside in long-term care facilities should also remain vigilant for signs of:

  • Soiled bedding or clothing;
  • Fear of physical contact;
  • Personality changes;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Untreated medical conditions; and
  • Forced isolation.

Unfortunately, it can be much harder to discover when a resident has been the victim of emotional, verbal, or psychological abuse. Depression and unexplained mood changes, as well as evidence of increasing nerves or an inability to sleep can all be signs a nursing home resident is being belittled, threatened, or mocked by staff.

How We Can Help

Nursing homes that fail to provide residents with the proper level of care can be required to compensate victims for their physical injuries, as well as their emotional distress and pain and suffering. To learn more, please call experienced Westchester nursing home neglect lawyer Mary Ann Covone, P.C. Attorney at Law at (708) 246-4911 today.