Auto accidents often occur when a person driving their vehicle in the wrong direction crashes into another automobile. These accidents tend to be more deadly than other type of crashes because they typically result in head-on collisions at high speeds. Federal Highway Administration statistics show that 300-400 people on average lose their lives each year due to wrong way driving crashes in the United States. If you or someone you love has become a victim of a wrong way auto accident due to the negligence of someone else, you can initiate a legal claim by hiring an experienced auto accident lawyer.
Common Causes of Wrong Way Auto Accident
There are many reasons which may lead to wrong way accidents; some of the most common reasons include:
Distracted or drowsy driving
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Driving in an unfamiliar neighborhood
Poorly marked sign or lack of visibility
Driver suffers from mental health problems
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Furthermore, highways that are created of partial or full cloverleaf design can be highly confusing, especially to new drivers and those from the other cities and towns. There are many instances where a person behind the wheel does not even know that they are driving on the wrong side of the road until they actually see another vehicle driving straight towards them.
Preventative Measures for Wrong Way Accidents
There are a number of preventative measures that can be taken both by the community and the people driving the vehicles to avoid wrong-way auto accidents. For instance, responsible authorities may install flashing signs or paint on the road stating “wrong way” to alert drivers. Spikes or surveillance systems can also be installed in high-risk areas to notify drivers that they are on the wrong side of the road. In addition to that, improving the lights in dark areas and creating streamlined highway designs are other ways of preventing wrong-way accidents. Similarly, drivers can avoid wrong way accidents by driving prudently, following the road rules and paying attention to their surroundings.
How Can an Auto Accident Attorney Help?
If you have sustained injuries in a wrong way accident due to the negligent driving of someone else, it will be in your best interest to hire an experienced Chicago auto accident lawyer. Your attorney will ensure that your rights remain protected throughout the entire process.
A skillful attorney will devise a strong case by establishing liability using facts and evidence to ensure that you are able to obtain just compensation for your pain and suffering. The damages may include medical bills, loss of income and other expenses.
If you or someone you love has been involved in an auto accident, contact the offices of Mary Ann Covone at (708) 246-4911 to schedule a free initial consultation.